The Life Cooperation Coach® - Training is a newly developed health coaching from a holistic point of view. Medical knowledge from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic medicine, as well as knowledge from empirical medicine and ancient wisdom traditions were combined with the latest findings from quantum physics, epigenetics and psychosynthesis.
The aim of this training is physical, emotional and mental health and well-being from a medical and psychological point of view. Specialists in integrative medicine and naturopathy, TCM, psychology, mindfulness, sports psychology and psychosynthesis designed this training.
Part of the training is also a specially developed BICOM®- Bioresonance treatment to compensate for energetic blockages caused by environmental pollution.
Dr. med. Sabine Rauch, Specialist in general medicine, naturopathy, acupuncture, homeopathy, chirotherapy. 25 years of experience in integrative medicine, BICOM®- Instructor, LCC®-Coach.
Carl Olof Svensson, 21 years of experience as BICOM®-Trainers and BICOM® - Therapist, fitness and sports trainer, LCC®- Coach
Torbjörn Josefsson (PhD), Psychologist, PhD in mindfulness, teacher in mindfulness in professional sports, teacher at Halmstad University, Sweden
First training: presence seminar 1.5 days (12 hours) in cooperation with Regumed®
a further 120 hours (divided into 6 levels, each with 2-3 online training seminars and one face-to-face seminar per year. Total training duration 2-3 years)
68 hours of practical work (case studies) and supervision
Even during the training, you can work as a coach with the knowledge you have already learned.
Structure of the human body from the perspective of energy medicine
What is Qi / Prana?
The concept: Explanation of how to proceed with the materials
5 steps to a healthy life
BICOM® - treatment as part of prevention and health care
Explanation of the 5 elements theory from TCM
Hatha yoga
5 elements of nutrition
Exercises and lifestyle changes (yoga, breathing exercises, stress reduction, meditations)
Basic knowledge from quantum physics, epigenetics and energy medicine
Structure of the human body from the perspective of energy medicine
What is the physical-emotional level?
Awareness and bio-resonance
Basic knowledge of psychosynthesis: Roberto Assagioli and his concept
Basic knowledge in mindfulness (Torbjörn Josefsson, PhD, psychologist)
The ego and the self
More about psychosynthesis
How do I find my self?
The 4 promises of Don Miguel Ruiz
Exercises to control emotions
Unmask old thought patterns and mental blocks
Presence in the here and now
Faith and placebo, awareness and attention
Development of willpower
Exercises to control the mental level
Energy and information. Energetic healing concepts
Thought Power: How to Influence Your Life
Exercises to train the power of thought and willpower
The knowledge of the ancient wisdom traditions
Man and his environment
The universal laws of life and nature
Humanitarian qualities
Basic knowledge about the 7 types from psychosynthesis / 7 rays
The meaning of life and how to find one's life purpose
Life and death: a never-ending story
Life Cooperation® and service to the community
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